En el marc del seminari d'anglès que es realitza a Sant Andreu de la Barca, està prevista la realització del taller Storytelling: constructing language environments,a càrrec de Meredith Davis, promogut per l'editorial Santillana
Dia : 14 de febrer
Hora :12:50
Lloc: Escola Vall Palau
* Si les inscripcions superen l'aforament de la sala de l'escola Vall de Palau, el taller es realitzarà a la seu del CRP. En aquest cas us comunicariem el canvi.
Meredith Davis has been working in ELT for more than twenty years. She has a solid humanities
background from American universities and a varied skill set centered around EFL/ELT. She
believes in using the arts, culture, creativity and innovation as a catalyst for reinventing and
revitalizing education.
Apart from teaching, she is a wordsmith and is concerned with sustainability and contributes to an
online portal about energy efficiency in buildings as an editor/project manager.
Storytelling creates exchange on many different levels; through expression, imagination, critical
thinking and collaborative learning.
This talk will go through various ¨hands on¨ techniques for using storytelling in the classroom.
In this integrated approach, the importance of language exchange, oral expression and active
communication will all be stressed.